Setup CodePipeline Status Notifications to Slack Using CloudWatch and Lambda

Setup a CloudWatch event to detect any status changes in your CI/CD Pipeline and have them sent as messages to a Slack channel of your choice

Lukonde Mwila
The Startup


It’s not exactly an efficient engagement when DevOps and application developers have to go back and forth about status updates for ongoing deployments or in-progress builds. I don’t think either team should really be watching pipelines as they progress. I suspect most people would want to get notified in real-time through an appropriate channel. The principle of sending out status notifications from your pipeline using cloud functions to target some kind of channel with the relevant stakeholders is something that can be applied with different types of technologies. In this case, my aim is to demonstrate how to accomplish this with AWS CI/CD tooling and other services that can help us achieve our goal.

If you’re familiar with some of my previous posts, you may actually have noticed that I’ve demonstrated this twice before, once in how to Setup Container Image Scans with Snyk in AWS CodeBuild as well as in the demo of my DockerCon presentation. The GitHub repositories for each of these can be found here and here, of which both contain the relevant Terraform…

