An (un)popular opinion. Contains NSFW images.

Sexy people are not more successful because they are sexy.

Shay Mcgreal
The Startup
4 min readJun 13, 2019


Can we change the message?

Photo by Perfect Snacks on Unsplash

I write this, fully understanding there will be some strong disagreement. But this is one of those lingering ideas that we need to kill off.

For starters being ‘sexy' or not shouldn’t really play into a person’s self-esteem these days, self-worth has so much more about it. Being successful and having chiseled features or firm buttocks shouldn’t be thought of as mutually exclusive and for the most part, they are not. People have gotten better at understanding what’s important in general. But annoyingly this idea still floats about.

Then why won’t this die?

I think it’s rooted in the idea people are willing to do more for someone they are attracted to, which translates into work. I won’t argue with that but the foundations are loose at best. For this to be true you are assuming that all successful people were gifted their success or at the very least some of it.

I don’t think that’s fair, we all know truly successful people fight tooth and nail for their position and relying on the powers that be doesn’t really play into that storyline.



Shay Mcgreal
The Startup

The musings of a silly Millennial. Mostly factual with a little bit of fiction sprinkled in for good measure.