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A Tech Blog About Deep Learning

Sik-Ho Tsang
The Startup
4 min readFeb 11, 2019


Photo from David Klein, Unplashed

Right now, maximum number of views per month has already gone up to about 150k!

Assume there are 30 days per month, each day I got 5000 views. For each minute, I will have more than 3 views. Thanks for visiting my Medium!! :)

Write For Yourself

Before writing on Medium, I didn’t read anything on Medium actually. When I was starting to learn about deep learning, I didn’t plan for anything about how to boost the number of views. I just decided to record something that I have learnt. And that’s the reason why I start on writing. I believe there are other people like me in the world, who are studying deep learning as well.

I have searched for many platforms for writing. Finally, I selected Medium by chance.

Of course, I believe a better planning or marketing before writing is a better choice. But this is not my primary purpose. (Sik-Ho Tsang @ Medium)

Keep On Writing

Number of Stories for Each Month

When I start writing, there are only few people on the earth reading my stories every day. But don’t worry. Just keep on writing in a persistent way, you will get more and more reads per day.

I keep on writing a new story for about 3 days each. (Sometimes a week due to busy daily work.)

At the beginning, I wrote some articles about tutorials like how to install a driver, or how to use a software, etc. Now, I mainly write an article reviewing a paper after I read it. This also gives me initiative to read paper in a regular basis, which is helpful for me to understand more and more in deep learning.


My native language is not English, and so I’m not well in my english writing. You may find I’ve got many English mistakes or unusual expressions. Nevertheless, sometimes, you cannot just check word by word before publishing the article. This will waste a lot of time which is not worthy. As long as you have expressed the meaning, then it is enough already.

Of course, fact check is essential before publishing. Because I am writing articles that everybody can read it.

Submit Story to Publication

If the number of views is increasing, then it is probably on the right track. At some moments, those publication editors will ask you to become their writers. (Or you can directly ask them and apply for it.)

Submitting a story to publication helps for exposure very much. This can help to increase number of views a lot.


It is better to include some graphics or figure in each story. Some demonstration videos are definitely attractive. It can enrich the story with no doubt. Actually, I was warned by editor when my story did not have any attractive graphics, lol.

Things I Haven’t Done

Some people told that one of the ways is to follow many people as you can, to gain the exposure. Because some of them would follow you back. But I do not follow this approach.

Some people told that the best length of story should be within a certain minutes. Don’t be too short and don’t be too long. But sometimes, I found that some of the stories, though they are over 10 mins long which are lengthy, they still got large number of views. Maybe it is a different story for tech blog.

My Top 3 Stories

  1. GeForce GTX 1080Ti GPU NVIDIA Driver Installation in Ubuntu 18.04
  2. Partitioning, Formatting, and Mounting a Hard Drive in Linux Ubuntu 18.04
  3. Docker Tutorial 5: Nvidia-Docker 2.0 Installation in Ubuntu 18.04

They all are tutorials and got constant growth in number of views even they are not stories submitted to any publications.

In the field of tech blog, I believe there is high demand of it. As long as keeping on writing, the number of views must be risen.

Number of Views Per 30 Days

Number of Views Per Each of The 30 Days

As you can see, the number of views is increasing. (Maybe you think it is still low, but it means a lot to me already.) There is at least one view for each minute which is very encouraging to me, lol.

I hope I can keep on writing (at least for the coming few months). When I was writing this story, I found out there are other articles about number of views on Medium. You may search for them as well. :)

This story is published in The Startup, Medium’s largest entrepreneurship publication followed by +422,678 people.

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Sik-Ho Tsang
The Startup

PhD, Researcher. I share what I learn. :) Linktree: for Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.