Sharpen Your Focus and Accomplish Any Goal With a Circle of Influence Exercise

Your favourite CEO’s get more done by focusing on the right things at the right time. Replicate their efforts with this simple and powerful tool.

Chris Bergen
The Startup


Photo by Elijah Macleod on Unsplash

Highly effective people do more than the average person. They accomplish their goals and broaden their influence, and over time, the scale of their accomplishments grow. Think of Jeff Bezos selling books online, Richard Branson opening a small record shop or Oprah Winfrey reading the local news. These people worked long hours to be sure, but so do a lot of people.

The difference is that these people focused their efforts on the right things at the right times. These people often cite how intensely focused they were on their ventures, particularly early on.

How can we replicate that in our own lives when so many things are pulling at us for attention? These people use a variety of tools to help them identify their priorities and focus their efforts. In this article, I’ll show you how to use a popular prioritization tool amongst highly effective people, the Circle of Influence.

Start with a proactive mindset



Chris Bergen
The Startup

Award-winning manager | Top Writer in Leadership and contributor at The Startup, The Helm and more | I’m into 80’s metal, Sci-Fi and Fitness 🤟🏼