Should You Focus on Quality or Quantity?

Settling the eternal debate to help you drive the results you want

Matthew Kent
The Startup


Photo by Martin Shreder on Unsplash

One of the most well known proverbs in the English-speaking world is “quality over quantity.”

It’s simple, alliterative, and surgically concise — coming in at a mere three words.

This helpful heuristic has no doubt served many people well and continues to be the basis for much sold advice.

But I’m worried that it’s a bit too simple.

What if different situations call for different approaches?

What if sometimes you need to pursue one to achieve the other?

These issues are especially relevant to me as an aspiring writer. When I look to those who are ahead of me on the journey for advice, I get mixed results. Some people say to publish as much as you can as often as you can (Quantity). Some say to take enormous amounts of time and energy to create something that will stand out from the crowd (Quality).

Which one is the best strategy to move me forward?

Both have good logic behind them:

Quantity: The more pieces you put out the more opportunities someone will have to stumble across your work, the more chances you have to go viral, and the more…



Matthew Kent
The Startup

Done settling for average. Now I have my sights set on awesome 😎 Get “The Ultimate Daily Checklist,” my free ebook on productivity: