Should You Learn This Programming Language First? Let’s C…

Amisha Singh
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2020


Courtesy of Safar Safarov

‘Where do I start? What should my first programming language be? In this age of high-level languages like Python and Ruby, should I still learn C?’

These are some of the many questions I had asked myself an year ago, when I was new to programming and knew little to nothing about it.

Programming languages are instructions written in a particular syntax to give desired outputs and implement algorithms.

Some of these languages are closer to what a machine can directly understand (that is binary) and are called as low-level languages, and some are closer to our human language and are called as high-level languages.

The medium to high level languages are written in a syntax which is somewhat closer to English. The code written by us in this language (source code) is then converted to machine code that the computer can understand and execute.

Now coming back to the question, when you are new to programming, it helps to learn a language which is close to the machine language, so that you can understand the underlying architecture of how stuff actually works, but not so close that it causes unnecessary confusions. Hence, I decided to learn C for a good



Amisha Singh
The Startup

🇮🇳 ॐ | Digital Marketing & Business Development👩🏼‍💻| Ex Journo - The Tatva India | But first a believer, mystic muser, and a writer.