Side Hustling Cheat Codes I Know at Year 5 That I Wish I Knew on Day 1

I’ve accepted some of these ideas come with experience

Boateng Sekyere
The Startup


Photo by Chalo Garcia on Unsplash

The best business lessons don’t come easy. They don’t flow like tap water where you can just turn on the faucet and collect as much as you want.

They usually come through experience. Or at least after a few years on the battlefield. And when they hit you, you’d wonder why you thought nothing of them from day one.

While doing an audit of my five-year side hustling experiences recently, I came across some lessons that I wish I had known from day one. I’ll call them cheat codes because they’ll take you further than I’ve come in year five. Here goes.

Get known

Sometime in Q1 2022, I read an email newsletter from one of my mentors. In it, he shared a wonderful lesson a celebrity investor gave him.

“Get known,” this investor told my mentor.

The advice went down well with my mentor. And over the next six months, he got himself known online. And he’s now consulting for this celebrity investor on a huge monthly retainer.

I realized I wasn’t known enough at what I do. I wondered what benefits I’d get if 10% more people knew of my side hustles. What if I could…



Boateng Sekyere
The Startup

Writer | Photographer in Accra. Grab my free guide on how to write more engaging articles here: Say hi at