Simple realtime notifications

Guide for realtime notifications through SaaS

Kolyubyakin Max
The Startup


Let’s all accept the fact that any modern web application can’t live without realtime notifications. If your cool shiny service doesn’t have them yet, there is a 99% chance that it is somewhere there in your backlog.

Today, speed of delivery is the level of quality.

In other words, there is no question WHY, there is another question— HOW?


Managers must get immediate notifications when Customer orders something

We would want something like that. Let’s briefly discuss details on this E-Commerce example:

  • Our Frontend has 2 portals: Online Store for Customers and CRM for Managers
  • Our Backend has microservices architecture with a message bus for communication between services
  • We have many services in Backend, but only two are important for this example: Orders and Events
  • Backend services are written in everything from Cobol to Go, but for events we want something simple and reasonable like Python
  • We want some free SaaS like Pusher to handle realtime notification complexity for us…



Kolyubyakin Max
The Startup

Senior IT Witcher ⚔️ Helping to build the best supply-chain automation ecosystem in CloudBlue Connect @ThisisCloudBlue