Simplified Understanding of Object Oriented Programming

Ibrahim Olawale
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 27, 2020


Atoms make up everything. Objects give them functions

What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)?

Most developers — python developers especially — will agree that early in their careers/their learning stage, the concept of Object Oriented Programming seemed strange, both it’s purpose and usefulness. A common misconception among beginners is that OOP is a special tool/design similar to function creations, used to solve a particular problem however it is not. Before getting fully getting into what OOP is, let’s talk about the type of programming paradigms we have in Python. If you’re new to programming and have had problems with understanding what OOP is, this (programming paradigms) will enable a better understanding of Object Oriented Programming which will be discussed soon.

Programming Paradigms

Programming paradigms refers to the manner in which a program is written. It refers to the structure and mannerism which the programmer has taken to construct the code. There are various types of programming paradigms, but in this class we will be talking about just two

i. Procedural Programming

Procedural programming simply refers to the step by step (line by line) method of writing programs to solve a particular method. Procedural programming simply contain a series of…

