Sit With Yourself Even If It Feels Painful

Sit with yourself because there are times no one and nothing could help you but you.

Ellen Nguyen
The Startup


When you’re hurt, you feel the urge to take action to ease the discomfort. Just anything that would make the pain go away. Be it drinking, smoking, taking whatever pills, contacting someone you know you shouldn’t, or now and then even the thought of death.

You’re convinced that your intense negative emotion is an indicator that there’s a problem which needs to be solved immediately, a sign that you’re supposed to backtrack towards the familiar comfort of the past somehow. You’re desperate. You’re scared that you’ll be stuck in this state forever and things will never be okay again.

Well, you’re wrong. Your emotion is a product of your brain. It isn’t an indicator or a sign of anything. It just is. You’re not meant to act on it. You’re meant to feel it and let it pass by. Yes, it’s unpleasant. Sometimes it’s really hard. It can be unbearable. But it will pass. Don’t run away. Don’t hide from it. Because this would only intensify whatever you’re feeling and make it worse.

Face it and you will realise it can’t kill you, it can’t even really hurt you because it’s only in your head. It has no real power over you. You’re in control of it. And no, you don’t need…



Ellen Nguyen
The Startup

Freelance writer & digital creator | London based | Psychology BSc. Editor of, empowering women.