Six Actionable Steps to Originality through Innovation

To be original is to do something different that has impact

Ju Peter Goodman
The Startup


Photo by Hans-Jurgen Mager on Unsplash

Originality is that no sé qué everybody asks for and struggles to define but recognizes right away even if they are riding a polar bear in the Arctic Circle, and the originality is a new phone introduced at the Moscone Center by a cyber giraffe from the future. I don’t know about you, but I want to know if the phone comes with a charger.

Seriously, no one truly knows what it is to be original. But don't worry, it doesn't mean we are going to weep about it. Rather we will dive into curated knowledge and grab actionable takeaways to achieve higher rates of originality in our endeavors.

If you think about it, everybody everywhere wants originality. It is a broad issue. From comedians to business managers, musicians, and monster truck drivers, we all eventually deal with the “being original” factor, ironically as requisite originality isn't that much original.

No one seems to escape this requirement. We can say originality is as certain as death and taxes. Yes, I dared to quote Meet Joe Black (1998).

Approaching Applicable Originality through Innovation



Ju Peter Goodman
The Startup

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