Skip the Promotion. Create on the Internet.

The way to get the executive salary without the stress

Eve Arnold
The Startup


Photo by Sebastian Pandelache on Unsplash

Something occurred to me recently.

Maybe you’ve known it forever. I’m not that good at putting two and two together, I often get 17.

But during a slow reading session on Sunday, I was hit with a powerful idea that neatly summarised what I was doing with my life. I was skipping the promotion and creating on the internet.

And I want to tell you why that makes sense for me because maybe it makes sense for you too.

Skip the promotion, create on the internet

It’s my new tagline for my business the Part-Time Creator Club.

I’ll tell you why. For years, before I really thought about what I wanted out of life, I decided that it was to climb the ladder. I didn’t know why. I didn’t even know what that meant.

But because that’s what everyone else said, I fell into line.

I told myself going into my graduate job in 2016 that the goal was to rise up the ranks as quickly as possible. To get into the top meetings with the top people. It was to manage. To lead. To be no.1.

