Smart Disposal Of Plastic Waste

The Startup
Published in
4 min readFeb 7, 2019

Plastics has always being a very important asset to man. Through extensive research and technology, we have been able to make new changes to the makeup of plastic. These improvements helped to make newer and safer plastics, in spite of this the challenges and drawbacks involved in using plastics has never really been resolved.

The negative impacts of using plastics are increasing by the day. Some of the main constituent of plastic; vinyl chloride, dioxins, and plasticizers are the main cause of hormone-disruption, reproductive dysfunction, breast growth and testicular cancer amongst others. The effects of plastic are also very noticeable in newborns and young children, especially via direct exposure.

One of the safest and efficient methods of disposing plastic is recycling. To enable effective recycling we need to look into smart sorting. We would also need to develop smarter plastics and improve research to develop certain microorganisms that hasten degradation of plastics.

Recycling plastics

Recycling plastics is a process that entails scrap recovery and reprocessing of plastic materials into new and useful products. Most plastics are non-biodegradable. Recycling is the major effort employed by authorities globally to help reduce plastic in our waste stream. Every year, a huge amount of plastic waste finds its way into the oceans. When compared with recycling other products like glass and metals, plastic recycling is much more challenging. This is because plastic polymers have low density and low value.

Problems involved in Recycling Plastic

Recycling of plastic, though very important is faced with a lot of challenges. Recycling of plastics is very technical. Sorting out and organizing the plastic material will incur expenses for recycling companies. Most time companies do not buy recyclables because of the cost of recycling. Consumers also do not dispose of plastic waste the right way. Instead of using recyclable waste bins, they dump their plastic waste in any bin. The main issue of recycling plastic is sorting and collection of the waste material. Plastic also needs to be sorted into recyclable and non-recyclable plastics.

Smart Recycling

Smart recycling entails the use of automated waste bins, which helps in waste collection and sorting. This is done using the Internet Of Things (IoT). Rewarding people for the proper disposal of plastic waste will help encourage others to do the same. This will help increase the rate of recycling plastics which inadvertently will reduce the amount of plastic waste that will get to landfills, incinerators, and oceans.

Recycling plastic waste will also increase revenue and create opportunities for business to grow, as it will reduce the cost of getting production materials. This is because recyclable products can be used instead of new production materials. Recycling will also help in cutting down on waste plastic available in our ecosystem.

Recycling, for now, seems like the best and safest method for us to deal with our plastic waste problem. Everyone hand needs to be on deck to help solve this issue if plastic waste. Starting from the government, local municipalities, manufacturers, middlemen, consumers etc, no one is left out. We all have a part to play in the proper and smart disposal of plastic waste.

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The Startup

Aiming to implement & validate a system integrated w/ blockchain providing a robust, sustainable and efficient solution to revolutionise the waste management.