So, You Want to Be a Game Developer?

Daniel Steamer
The Startup
Published in
5 min readAug 24, 2019


Photo by Hello Lightbulb on Unsplash

If you’re like most people, you probably play video games. It doesn’t matter if you’re a competitive e-sport player after big cash with your gaming, or you like playing spider or candy crush like my mom, everyone plays games.

But have you ever thought of making them for your job?

I’ve been a gamer my whole life. It started back in the days of atari, playing Pitfall! and Q*bert with my neighbors while they babysat. But what really did it, was being a kid during the NES generation. Cereal, cartoons, movies, and awesome stores at the mall; Nintendo was everywhere. There was no going back after that. I was hooked.

So, when it came time to get serious about a career, I decided that I would work in games. After a few years of study and some lucky opportunities, I landed my first job in games as a designer in 2004. Since then, I’ve worked on eight projects in various design roles.

I’m going to share with you six things you should know to help you decide if making games is something you want to try.

The Good

Teams Need Lots of Skill Sets

At the big title publishers and developers, teams are huge; 1000’s of people spread across several studios around the world huge. There’s engineers, designers, artists…



Daniel Steamer
The Startup

Endurance fitness coach. I empower individuals to surpass their limits and embrace an active lifestyle full of adventures.