So you want to start an online business? Read this first

Sean Meyer
The Startup
Published in
19 min readMar 27, 2018


3 years ago I was fired from my job and it was the worst g’damn feeling of my life.

In the blink of an eye I went from “wealthy” 25-year old who was making bank and on top of the world…

To broke ass who couldn’t leave my house and had no idea what I was going to do after that.

This scared the hell out of me and I was lost, not sure what I should do next…

But I did know one thing, I was never going to work for anybody again in my life.

The company I was working for bribed me with a severance check in exchange for a signature saying I wouldn’t talk about it, but let’s just say…

My “firing” was a prime example of revenge, where another co-worker made up a blatant lie because they were mad I got a promotion over them.

Now that’s all in the past and it’s whatever, but one thing will always stick with me…

The idea that one person had so much control over my lifestyle, being able to take away my only source of income and throw me to the wolves — without any heads up.

This is the moment where I realized I needed to start my own business, but there was one problem…

