Social Engineering, Phishing, and How to Protect Your Business

Forewarned is forearmed. Learn the dangers and solutions.

John Teehan
The Startup


Photo by Taskin Ashiq on Unsplash

Every day, inboxes are bombarded with suspicious emails probing for sensitive personal or business information. Careless responses to these emails have led to huge consequences for the unwary and have resulted in downtime, data breaches, and serious financial loss. These types of threats are considered social engineering, a term for manipulating people into doing something they would not normally do.

Cyber-related attacks featuring social engineering come in many forms. Phishing is one of the most common and can appear in many forms. From emails and text messages to strangers roaming the halls of your company headquarters, it’s in every business owner’s best interest to be on guard.

What does the phishing look like?

Phishing emails are growing more sophisticated and tactical in their attacks because there is so much more personal information out in the world and it’s only increasing. In addition, phishing attacks these days like to target corporate HR and financial staff members because the perpetrators are well aware of who controls the money. For cybercriminals, this strategy has been paying off well.



John Teehan
The Startup

Writer specializing in tech, business, parenting, pop culture, and gaming. Visit for more info and rates. Twitter: @WordsByJohn2