Software Engineering: 2030

Knowledge and Skill Investments for the Decade Ahead

Sid Shankar
The Startup


Photo by Tudor Baciu on Unsplash

Do you invest in the stock market?

If so, what are the principles you apply when deciding how to invest your hard earned money?

Do you:

  1. Look exclusively at past performance?
  2. Follow your close circle of friends, and invest in the same things?
  3. Follow the market? You trust the masses, most of them are probably right… right?
  4. Not see the need to invest? You have enough money for your current expenses, and the money you are saving in a low interest account is good enough. But what about the falling purchasing power of that capital over time?
  5. Carefully research company fundamentals, look at the price-equity ratio, consider future direction etc., assuming you either have some knowledge of the domain, or rely on trusted experts who do?
  6. Look at broad social, economic and industrial trends, spot areas of promise, and find investments that fit these areas?

If you’ve ever had money to invest, you’ve given this some thought (hopefully).

Now let me ask you this:

Have you given as much thought to your knowledge and skill…



Sid Shankar
The Startup

Senior Engineering Manager @ GitHub ~ opinions are my own and do not represent the views of my employer.