Solopreneurship Is Dead; to Succeed You Need Collaboration

Why the best kind of freelancing isn’t a business of one

Laura Bosch
The Startup


Close to 40% of all work is now freelance. And this number appears to be growing. The benefits are apparent; the freedom to plan your own schedule, work with clients you choose, work on projects you’re passionate about, and generally wake up with a smile, knowing it’s not a big deal if you overslept by an hour and a half. You won’t fire you.

But this freedom comes with an invisible anchor. Not the broadcaster, that would be random. An anchor like the one that weighs a boat down to prevent it from drifting off. You have a semblance of freedom, but you can only go as far as the chain will allow. Sure, you dominate your little zone. As long as you keep attracting clients onto your boat, you’re good. But for how long? Your boat only has enough room for a certain number of people. It only has the amenities to accommodate a certain number of activities. How long before your clients find a bigger boat? One that can meet all of their needs under one roof? One that isn’t anchored to the seabed and can take its clients further; exceed their expectations.

The options aren’t limited to two extremes: employment vs self-employment. You can be self-employed without being self-sufficient. Freelancers who think a…



Laura Bosch
The Startup

Candid stories and actionable insights about work and life to help you navigate adulthood and embrace a life in limbo.