Solving the Quadratic Equation— Did we just discover a better way?

Daniel Moriarty
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJan 19, 2020


A new method was just published in 2019. Here’s how to use it.

First a disclaimer…


There. It’s out in the open. Now that I’ve said it - and I’m hoping you’ve recovered from this initial shock (my apologies) - we can continue.

I do this for your own safety.


This article discusses math.

Let us carry on.”


I aim to keep the following explanation short. Really short.

Short enough that you can explain the method to your friends. Maybe explain it at a nerdy dinner party? Use it to impress your in-laws. Or better yet, I want it simple enough for you to explain to your dog*.

*Assuming that you and your dog have a common understanding around when it is, and is not, okay to discuss mathematical curios of the 21st century.

*Your dog may also need an 8th-grade level understanding of mathematical fundamentals; in order to follow your compelling explanation. (Of course only when you two are in consensus to discuss it). Just putting that out there.



Daniel Moriarty
The Startup

Scientist, inventor, technologist and engineer ⚡Writing about all things technology and culture.