Someone Should Do Something to Enable Excellent Education

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela

David Brühlmann
The Startup
Published in
9 min readJun 18, 2019


Have you ever had the impression that someone should do something about climate change?

Why isn’t someone doing something to solve the problems of the floating plastic islands in the middle of the ocean?

Someone really should do something to stop human trafficking. Who would raise his or her voice?

It’s been too long that we’ve had to face unfair work conditions in third-world countries. How come nobody is doing anything to prevent future abuse?

Does this sound familiar to you?

I dream of changes for the better. Like you, I have often wondered why this or that issue cannot be resolved. “It’s so obvious!” I think, “we just need to do that [fill in the blank] and then it’ll be solved. Somebody should do it now!”

If you feel that someone should do something — it might as well be you.

You are someone.

And if you have a specific topic on your heart, chances are that you are the best person to address it. At least, if you don’t feel qualified, you are passionate about it. You know what? That’s a great…



David Brühlmann
The Startup

Helping entrepreneurs, humanitarians, and leaders live a life of purpose, meaning, and significance at