Sometimes You Have to Check the Fuck Out

Stephanie Huston
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2018


I used to take pride in never checking out, in never ever taking a break from my full-time job or side hustles. I would work incessantly — regardless of what was going on in my life — whether it be a sick family member or even going through my divorce.

No excuses.

Don’t slow down.

Never quit.

While all of those have merit, I’m not buying into them at face value anymore.

Sometimes the very best, productive thing you can do is slow down, take a break, and let life work itself out.

Now, don’t get me wrong — I am the biggest champion of a consistently strong day in and day out work ethic, and I do believe that you have to work relentlessly to manifest your big dreams — but never at the risk of your own health.

That’s where I’m drawing the line.

What does it matter if your dreams come true if you’re too burnt out to enjoy them?

There is no point in crushing your goals if you’re too exhausted and emotionally drained to celebrate and enjoy once you make it. It’s way more fruitful to play the long game and prioritize your mental and physical health.

I admit, it has been difficult to put this into practice.

I prefer to run full force ahead on all fronts of my life — but with my recent relocation to London (from New York City) for work, I had to prioritize and cut out everything unnecessary for survival while I took on the daunting task of moving to another country.

I have not posted on Medium in well over a month, and I paused all side hustle work I was doing. I checked out on social media, and chose just one app to share my adventures on. I hated to lose momentum, but I had to embrace, love, and fully experience this crazy phase of my life instead of just hustling through it.

It was difficult to let go, and I have definitely felt guilty letting messages, texts, emails, and comments pile up unanswered — but I’d rather feel guilty than burnt out and barely able to function, or resentful when I’m doing those tasks, because that won’t do anyone any good.

Now I’m feeling better, rested, settled, eager, and antsy to get going on shit again. Making the conscious decision to allow myself to check the fuck out for as long as I mentally and emotionally needed during this move granted me the grace to love and accept myself however I felt that day, and prioritize sleep and meditation above all else to keep sane and happy.

Do not be afraid to check the fuck out if you have to.

It does not make you weak.

It does not make you lazy.

Prioritizing self care is never the wrong decision.

Meditation and solid rest will allow you to come back stronger and more creative than ever before.

You will be able to pick up where you left off, and you’ll be even more exceptional than you were before.

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Stephanie Huston
The Startup

🌍 Entrepreneur | PR Maven | Disruptive | Thought Leader | Coach | INFJ | Explorer 🌏 7Continents+46Countries+46States 🌎 👯‍♀️🧿