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Sometimes You Should Actually Quit

Like seriously!

Enywaru Pius
The Startup
Published in
4 min readAug 6, 2019


There’s a famous saying that goes like; “Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit” and it seems to be the string of hope that everyone clings onto to make it in whatever they’re trying to achieve. Could be to grow a successful business, nurture a flamboyant relationship or even try and hang in there at a really bad Job.

The thing about quitting is that it’s immediately associated with giving up, cowardice & chickening out ‘quite early’. When you often find yourself at cross-roads and totally confused, it’s easy to be raided with the thought of quitting. It’s easy to be manipulated into believing that giving up everything is the best option even when it is not — and shouldn’t be.

Come to think of it though, what if quitting is the better option? What if putting a halt to everything and actually come to terms with the fact that whatever it is you are investing all your time into isn’t really going to work out and the only option is to quit? Have you given it a thought?

When you find yourself in a scenario that is calling for you to let go, maybe sometimes you should actually heed to that little voice in your head and quit!

When to Throw in the Towel



Enywaru Pius
The Startup

Writer: @PesaCheck I blog for believers, spirited optimists, and ambitious movers. I am writing to build a home that will be filled with Ideas & Inspiration.