Sorry React, but I can’t keep up anymore

JavaScript fatigue taking its toll.

Chris Vibert
The Startup


Exhausted women with head on laptop.
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

For the last few years, I’ve tried hard to keep up with the React ecosystem, and more generally the surrounding JavaScript ecosystem that seems to move impossibly fast.

For most of that time, I’ve also promised myself that I’ll learn some new languages, try some new technology — anything that puts me outside of my JavaScript comfort zone.

Recently I came across the phrase “JavaScript fatigue” and immediately self-diagnosed.

But for the most part, this hasn’t happened. This hasn’t happened because keeping up with React and JavaScript can be exhausting — sometimes I’m genuinely afraid of falling behind the curve, leaving me with little time and energy to explore other things.

The tipping point

The release of the Recoil library for React state management was when I realised. Not so long ago, I’d have gone straight for the docs, tried it out, and explored the source code to see how things are working underneath. But this time I simply didn’t have the motivation.

All I can tell you about Recoil now is that people seem to be loving it and that it uses things called ‘atoms’, which maybe explains the name…

