Spam Emails Can Teach You to Write Viral Articles

4 tricks to steal from spam writers who make $7,000 per day

Zulie Rane
The Startup


Woman in Red Leather Jacket Wearing Sunglasses working at a computer screen. She looks focused and suspicious (like a scammer).
Photo by Darlene Alderson:

Many of my most successful articles were directly inspired by spam emails.

Screenshot of a spam email reading “❤️Hello nice to meet you. ❤️do you belive in real love ? ❤️close you eyes and imagine.. _________.440279”
Image taken from author’s inbox.

Why would I want to learn anything from Jessica, who tells me she is “wild” and wants to “ho0k_up”?

Because they’re rich. Spam email writers can earn up to $7,000 per day. They’re the persuasive authors on the internet, successfully phishing over 83% of businesses last year alone. And they can teach writers a lot about writing viral articles — if you’re willing to learn from this unorthodox source.

Here are the four key takeaways writers can learn from the secret masters of writing on the internet.

Author’s note: do not click on any spam links! Let them teach you, but do not let them steal your personal information.

1. Tap into primal human wants.

Spam emails prey on humanity’s extremely predictable behavior — we’re all afraid that we’ll die alone, unloved, with no money.



Zulie Rane
The Startup

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.