Speed up your Data Transformation with Data Catalysts

Just like in chemistry, a data catalyst can dramatically speed up the rate at which your data ends up how you want it

Ryan Gross
The Startup


Catalyzing the decomposition of (lots of) Hydrogen Peroxide created this massive foam blob. Photo courtesy of Vlog Squad. Original Video on YouTube.

Catalyzing a reaction accelerates it

In chemistry, a catalyst is a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected. Without a catalyst, the reaction will happen eventually, but adding the catalyst causes the reaction to happen (often dramatically) faster. Even better, the catalyst is unaffected by the reaction and can be re-used again and again. In the picture on the right, you see a massive-scale version of the classic Elephant’s Toothpaste demonstration that shows how the addition of a catalyst can lead to an explosive speed-up of a reaction that would otherwise proceed very slowly. The use of catalysts is critical to chemical engineering, with entire research divisions at major universities being dedicated to improving them.

Data Catalysts accelerate data modernization

While it’s fun to watch in the extreme form above, the following graph better captures what is actually happening. It typically takes a lot of energy (the dotted line) to complete the reaction that combines A & B to produce the desired…



Ryan Gross
The Startup

Emerging Tech & Data Leader at Credera | Interested in how people & machines learn, and how to bring them together.