Spending time on Twitter is one of the worst things you may ever do

But here’s how it will help you become a brilliant writer

Arianna Rees
The Startup


Photo by Charles 🇵🇭 on Unsplash

Twitter is a hellscape. I say it at least three times a week, and I’ll say it again. Twitter is a hellscape.

Twitter is where some of the most depraved and ignorant thoughts ever conceived by the human brain see sunlight for the first time, and people who know better share them and re-share them so that you have to witness them. Twitter is where trolls fester like an open wound and send you lovely notes, like this one I recently got: “fucking white feminist ass trashbag.” Twitter is filled with self-appointed mob bosses, world leaders who shouldn’t have Twitter accounts, the hyper-judgmental, the cancel-happy, the enraged, Debby Downers, and a lot of decent people turned into insufferable sods for validation (speaking for the insufferable sods).

Yes, Twitter is a hellscape, one that, given too much of your time, may just drive you to madness. It’s also one of the best things you may ever do for your writing. Here’s why.

Twitter helps you to cut the crap and the fat.

Unlike that dreadful college essay we all stuffed meaningless sentences into to meet the page requirement, tweets have little room for fluff…



Arianna Rees
The Startup

Freelance writer who writes about writing. Also loves pop culture, current events, and humor writing. As seen on Twitter @AriWRees.