Spoiler Alert: Social Media Is Hard. How to Rescue Your Marketing Strategy

Social media marketing: infuriating, but wildly effective. How can you balance your needs with your social media marketing strategy?

Allison Bishins
The Startup


Social media marketing is a two edged sword: it’s both one of the most revolutionary, democratizing marketing tool for small businesses, and one of the most dreaded parts of a small business owner’s day. Read on for strategies to both simplify and inspire your social media marketing strategy.

There are two key element to reducing social media marketing burnout — which is what usually nudges people off platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn. These two elements — efficiency and purpose — can be tackled separately but truly dovetail in a magical way when it comes to social media.

Line drawing of a person receiving a cloud of information from a smart phone held in front of their face
Illustration by Carlos PX via Unsplash


Before we dive deeply into efficiency, let’s talk about inefficiency. Why? Because it’s a deeply ingrained part of our day, and it’s unnecessary. There are several types of inefficiency, but the one I want to start with is called “inefficient overwork.” What is that? Simply, it’s doing more work than necessary to complete a task. Why do we do this? Like most unnecessary, unhelpful habits, it was probably taught to you…



Allison Bishins
The Startup

I am a teacher and consultant helping businesses connect with community. Eclectic background in urban planning, marketing, non-profits + environmental policy.