Start Managing Your Biases to Become a Better Human in Tech

Melissa Schmitz
The Startup
Published in
7 min readFeb 17, 2021


Technology is not as objective as we like to believe.

Photo by Fábio Lucas on Unsplash

When you think of the future, what does it look like? Maybe flying cars? Glass cities? Holographic advertisements? Going to school or work in virtual reality? Robots and AI assistants?

You likely didn’t imagine the people behind those innovations.

All of the technology we have today is a result of human invention and ingenuity. We have computers to help, but ultimately, even those tools were created by us. We cannot escape the simple fact that tech is, fundamentally, a human enterprise.

How that human enterprise develops to help or harm us is largely a question of ethics. But on a more individual level, we can start to analyze these ideas by taking a closer look at our bias.

Bias is Built-in to humanOS

Everyone has biases, no matter how empathetic or caring we try to be. And that’s ok. These quick judgements were built into our brains as a shortcut to help us manage vast amounts of information. It prevents cognitive overload to make us more efficient and is what has helped us evolve to survive dangerous situations in our evolutionary past.

But therein lies the flaw. These instincts were built by evolution for survival in…



Melissa Schmitz
The Startup

Research engineer in emerging tech (prototyping XR, UX, autonomy). ✦