Starting as a Single Founder Might Be Your Best Decision to Building a Successful Startup (Part 2)

Single Founder
The Startup


Thank you to all the people who read the first article, wrote messages, and shared their personal stories. It’s humbling to see how many people are working hard, building their dreams.

In the first article, we have discussed:
- Starting as soon as possible
- Things that might kill your startup
- Working 80+ hours a week
- Quick iterations
- Falling in love with your customer’s problems
- Not falling in love with your product ideas
- Technical expertise requirements
- The value of a cup of coffee
- Basics of customer development
- Competitor research
- Networking
- The burn rate and the runway
- Not making your friends your co-founders
- How to fund your startups without getting in debt

From all the comments and feedback, I realized that I should expand on some of these topics. In this article, let’s talk about:



Single Founder
The Startup

🖥 High-Tech Startup Founder 🛫 Serial Entrepreneur 💯 Startup Mentor sharing my insights on building startups