Starting Today You Can Make More Money As A Writer If You Do These 3 Things

TL;DR: using techniques used in sales copies will help you get more reads.

Onyedikachukwu Czar
The Startup


Image Credit: Khosrork on iStock

Spoiler: the money is not the focus.

Money is nothing but the by-product of things you have much, much more control over as a writer.

These things are the focus.

Top on the list is good writing. You see, I have a strong belief that money often follows good writing because good writing does what bad writing doesn’t. Good writing:

  • Informs
  • Persuades
  • Attracts
  • And stands the test of time

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling anything or you’re just blogging, if you can get your writing to achieve these feats, then you’re not just growing and getting better as a writer, but the money will also follow.

Here is a list of 3 actions you can take to 10x your income as a writer:

Read a book on sales

TL;DR: using techniques used in sales copies will help you get more reads.

There was a time when I was struggling to find the motivation to read.



Onyedikachukwu Czar
The Startup

I write: AI | Personal finance & growth | Tech. I sieve the noise and then share with you everything that's left.