JWT Authentication With Spring Boot’s Inbuilt OAuth2 Resource Server

Using Spring Boot’s inbuilt OAuth2 Resource Server with security best practices for JWT based authentication

Imesha Sudasingha
The Startup


Image by vishnu vijayan from Pixabay


This article proposes a better approach to achieve JWT authentication for your SPA web application backend REST APIs using Spring Boot’s inbuilt OAuth2 Resource Server. In summary, the proposed approach is:

  • More Secure — Use an RSA private key instead of a single secret token (symmetric key) to sign JWTs and RSA public key for signature verification.
  • Convenient — An endpoint (“/login”) to obtain a signed JWT in exchange for valid user credentials.
  • Authorization — Spring Security’s method security can be used since the JWT information is available as Authentication at controller level; Can use “@PreAuthorize”, “@PostAuthorize” annotations with SPEL for complex authorization needs.
  • Extendable — Can be extended to support federated authentication (ex: “Login with Google”, etc.) and to support refresh_tokens and client side JWT validation using “/jwt” endpoint.
  • Best Practices — Use Spring Boot’s inbuilt OAuth2 Resource Server for inbound request authentication with JWT.



Imesha Sudasingha
The Startup

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