Staying up to Date as an Android Developer

Ramiz Raja
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJul 16, 2020


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In this fast-moving world of technology and especially mobile technology, it is becoming more and more important to stay up to date if you want to stay relevant as a mobile developer. In fact, many companies in the interview will ask you about how you stay up to date.

Staying up to date in the Android world has become increasingly difficult in the last few years due to the gazillion changes happening all at once. In 2017, the Android team courageously admitted their old mistakes and accepted that they have not been doing right by their developers by giving them APIs which were either not finished (like the old of the way of using SQLite in Android) or by giving them APIs that were buggy (like the famous fragment API). They rightfully realized that due to all these factors the development in Android is hard and it is difficult to produce a polished app so they decided that it’s time for a change and boy, the changes they brought! I have to admit, even I, a tech junkie, did not expect these many changes based on their past history.

First, they came up with Architecture components that were very successful so the Android team decided we need something more strong and then they came up with the Android Jetpack, and as the name suggests, the libraries inside the JetPack are a big pack and are flying at the speed of a jet. Android Navigation…



Ramiz Raja
The Startup

Android is the line where my passion perfectly aligns with my work and iOS is also not far off from that line. Portfolio: