Stoicism: How to Manage the Difficulties of Life

A complete overview of a philosophy that teaches us how to live

Bryan Ye
The Startup


Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

Before I discovered Stoicism, I was emotional — and not in a controlled, comfortable way. Any positive event sent me to cloud nine, and any negative event took me down into the abyss.

It’s been years since I first came across Stoicism. Still, I find myself continually going back for guidance, especially when self-improvement, personal development, practical psychology, and other Cute Life Hacks can’t save me. Stoicism provides direction for dealing with the difficulties of life: losing a loved one, breaking up with a partner, or the smaller adversities like receiving bad news after a job interview.

Even though Stoicism is labeled as a philosophy, we can think of it as a tool: a tool for handling pain. Life is full of suffering, and this “philosophy” helps with coping.

🙋 What is Stoicism?

Stoicism is ill-defined because of its complexity. No one-liner can capture its entire essence, but I’ll try anyway:

Stoicism is a philosophy of personal ethics whose goal is to deal with the misfortunes of life.

How Stoicism became popular

