Stop building car boats — tech debt 101

Ben Longstaff
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2017


source: WSJ

Why do smart developers ship bad code?

If you work in tech you would have heard developers complaining about horrific code.

Short deadlines and changing requirements create debt that will eventually have to be paid

I have been there, it’s painful.

Most developers that I have met are smart. So where are all the developers setting fire to things and shipping bad code? More importantly why are companies letting them do it?

Communicating requirements is hard.


It would be nice if requirements were correct the first time … but hey, we have deadlines to hit.

“Done is better than perfect” … SHIP IT!

What does this all have to do with car — boats?

I’m glad you asked.

Understanding how we end up making compromises is important. Building a software product is a lot like taking a trip between point A and B without really knowing what’s in the middle.



Ben Longstaff
The Startup

Playing at the intersection of privacy and personalisation. Fascinated by the state of trust in a world with leaky data.