Stop Calling Yourself A Freelancer

It’s costing you money.

Andrew Holliday
The Startup


A company commands more respect than a freelancer. That’s a fact. Perception is reality, and people perceive freelancers as commodities.

  • Freelancers fight for hourly work. Companies get paid by the project.
  • Freelancers are interchangeable pieces. Companies are valuable partners.
  • Freelancers own a job. Companies are an asset that can be built and sold.

Don’t limit your entrepreneurial potential by calling yourself a freelancer. Even if you intend to remain a solo show, position yourself as a legitimate company. Establish a brand and offer products, not hourly services.

Your earning potential will take a step forward with this positioning shift. But…saying you’re a company isn’t enough. You must back your words with action. Here are three steps you can put in motion right now to transform your freelancing job into a legitimate company.

Sell Products, Not Hours

Solid businesses can’t be built on hourly pricing. If you price hourly, you own a job, not a business. Hourly pricing penalizes you for becoming more efficient and frustrates your clients with surprises on invoices.

