Stop Failing Your To-Do List

Manage it Like the Boss that You Are

Liz Huber
The Startup


Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

In my first job at a tech startup, I used to manage my tasks in a very liberal way: my to-do list was scattered across countless post-its, my journal, Google calendar, Evernote, Excel Sheets and Wunderlist — basically whatever was available when I needed to note something down.

On these lists were tasks like “integrate payment options in the app”, “grow user base to 50K” and “hire customer service staff”.

Big things were on my plate. I loved it.

So much that I didn’t feel the need to plan my day — everything I was working on was important and I was staying in the office until 10 pm anyway.

I was doing great…until I wasn’t.

The more responsibilities were added to my plate, the more messy everything got. My head was constantly spinning, trying to keep track of all the things I had to do.

I frantically grinded away on my never-ending to-do list that just growing bigger and bigger.

And even though I was working 14 hour days, I never felt I got much done during the day. Where did all the time go?

To say the least, I was stressed out, anxious, mentally exhausted and tired. Very tired.

