Stop freelancing! Become a business owner instead.

The mindset shift that can help you take back control

Sheryl Garratt
The Startup


Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

I was a freelance writer for 30 years.

Even when I had staff jobs on newspapers and magazines, I was freelancing on the side and saw that as my main identity. The jobs would all end, eventually. But I would always write.

Then I just got tired of hustling. Tired of saying yes to jobs I really didn’t want to do, because I was afraid I’d never get asked again. Tired of working harder and harder for freelance rates that went down, year after year. I wanted another income stream, another way of connecting with the creatives I loved interviewing and collaborating with.

So I trained to be a life coach.

When I did this initial training, many of the skills were familiar to me. Asking good questions. Being curious. Noticing the stories people tell themselves.

What surprised me was how often the course leaders referred to coaching as a business.

I bristled at this, at first. I was going into coaching to help people, to share my years of experience in newspapers and magazines, not to become a greedy, money-grubbing entrepreneur. (Perhaps you can spot some of my own stories about money



Sheryl Garratt
The Startup

Writer; editor; coach, supporting creatives to step up and do their best work — and get paid for it! Find me at