Stop reading what makes Elon Musk and Bill Gates successful

Aytekin Tank
The Startup
Published in
7 min readSep 19, 2018


Originally published on JOTFORM.COM

I like socks.

They are soft.

They are practical.

And their playful designs give my startup attire a much-needed lift of color.

Put simply, I have never regretted time spent searching for the perfect pair of socks.

Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the hours I spent reading self-help books that didn’t always deliver.

The pattern went something like this:

Hear the hype, buy the self-help book, and read a few chapters, before realizing it was nothing more than an old technique in a new wrapper. And yes, the book was nearly 400 pages when it could have been 15.

Hardly a week goes by without an article trending on how to become the next Elon Musk, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.

Clearly, I’m not the only one interested in self-improvement. However, I’ve recently come to a possibly unpopular conclusion:

I would be better off learning how to knit socks than reading most professional development materials.



Aytekin Tank
The Startup

Founder and CEO of || Bestselling author of Automate Your Busywork. Find more at (contact: