Stop rowing so hard — there is no “Island” to get to

Karen Kay
The Startup
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2019


Photo by David Straight on Unsplash

For years I have motivated myself to reach my objectives. I was a free electron of self-motivation, and my parents never had to interject or interfere with my process of growing up. I studied on my own, got my grades, went to the university of my choice, and completed a Masters and many other certifications and degrees. I married young, had two daughters, and entered ‘divorce-land’ too (a stupendous rollercoaster ride). Many things happened before I turned 38 — while at the same time, I have a nagging question in my head asking “what have you achieved?”

It’s a little like “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I’ve been working hard for many years now, towards my vision of helping women lead themselves, and others, with courage and grace. Life is a ‘dojo,’ is what I tell my clients - but it is easy to get into comparison mode, and begin to benchmark against everyone and everything else ‘out there’.

So then I push harder.

Even for the toughest of gals, we all sneak a peek (or 100) at social media — and suddenly, what we have done can quickly become minimized as we look towards what we think we should be achieving. So I keep powering through my daily life, trying to do one million different things - in the prospect of reaching ‘success’.



Karen Kay
The Startup

I write to explore fear, courage and growth. I help others bibbidi bobbidi boo words so they don’t have to, even past midnight.