Stop Trying to Make Everything “Easy”

Never take difficulty as a sign to call it quits

Raven J. James
The Startup


“If this is what I’m ‘called to do’ then why do I hate it so much?”

I sat opposite of my best friend, who had been listening to me rant for who-knows-how-long. I remember feeling so overwhelmed that day; I was so busy worrying about things that were outside of my control while simultaneously stressing over my lack of activity.

I was second-guessing myself a lot during that time frame. What am I doing? I can’t do this. There’s no way other people are struggling with this like I am. I’ve been doing this for so long, why am I still struggling? It shouldn’t be this way. I thought I loved this.

“Can I be real with you for a second?”

Her sudden inquiry interrupted my self-pity. She looked at me with sympathetic eyes, but I could tell that her typically honey-like voice would deepen in seriousness. I nodded and peeped: Yeah, definitely.

“You don’t hate this. You love writing, and you love being an entrepreneur. Raven, you just hate the work it takes to get to where you want to be”.

We’re obsessed with convenience. ‘Microwave Mentality’ is what my friend calls it. We live in a society that, more than ever, we can get what we want when we want without much…



Raven J. James
The Startup

Writer | Entrepreneur | Blogger | Dreamer | Pro-Oxford Comma; Feel free to check out my blog at