Stop! We’re Overwhelming B2B Buyers in a Content Marketing Tsunami and it’s NOT Helping Them Buy.

Sarah MacKinnon
The Startup
Published in
9 min readJul 2, 2019


B2B buyers are flooded in a sea of information and it’s slowing down complex purchase decisions. Photo by Carles Rabada on Unsplash

It’s 2019 and 91% of B2B companies are using content marketing. And 75% have a content marketing strategy, documented or not (CMI: 2019).

Most of us are putting more money than ever before into B2B content marketing; 56% of B2B marketers have increased content creation spending over the last 12 months (CMI: 2018).

And there’s more organizational support for this tactic: 67% of content marketers report that their organization is “very committed” to content marketing.

Even better, over half of content marketers feel that putting budget and resources into content marketing is proving at least “moderately successful” (CMI: 2018).

Sounds really promising, right? B2B companies are investing more time and money than ever before into content marketing. And individuals and organizations seem confident that it’s working and are committed to investing more in the future.

But has anyone asked their B2B buyers if the flood of articles, whitepapers, webinars, case studies, ebooks we’ve been producing has actually helped them complete a complex purchase decision?

Just for a minute or two, I’m going to politely ask you to remove your marketing hat. And jump into the…



Sarah MacKinnon
The Startup

I write the odd word to the wild | I also help B2B companies accelerate the buying process with marketing content at