Stop Worrying That You’re An Imposter. You are. And That’s Awesome.

a unapologetic guide for living with imposter syndrome

Jodi Tandet
The Startup


photo by DaPuglet on Flickr

It’s true. You’re a fake. A phony. A fraud. Undeserving. A lucky loser. You’re not meant to be here. Someone royally forked up by letting you in.

You’re an imposter.

But don’t fret.

That’s fantastic.

Imposter syndrome is a nasty witch of a phenomenon, making successful people the world over believe they’re inadequate. That through sheer luck, cunning fraudulence, or a powerful mix of the two, they’ve landed a position way out of their league. They’re a child trying on their parents’ clothes. A house cat in a field of lions. A reality star elected present.

Many people advise getting over this feeling. They’ll tell you to take stock of your skills, your talents, your experiences, and realize that you’re not an imposter after all.

But I disagree.

Imposters are awesome. Embrace being one.

“If you look at any successful professional — a salesperson, a marketer, a real estate agent, a trader — they all have the same qualities as the con man. The only difference is that one side uses their…



Jodi Tandet
The Startup

recovering em dash overuser writing about mental health, dating, pop culture & other oddities — all with humor + Hamilton references