Strong Leadership: What it means to never give in

The misunderstood leadership quote from Winston Churchill and what it means.

Darren Matthews
The Startup


We all know Winston Churchill for his strong leadership and his stubbornness to never give in. Winston was of course Prime Minister for the UK during World War 2 and a crucial part of his role was to deliver speeches. The oratory skills Winston Churchill used were to play a significant part in maintaining the morale of the country.

Winston was not only a great speaker but perhaps understandably he was also a vivacious writer. He wrote books, news articles and quotes as well.

Field Marshall Montgomery received a birthday present from Winston Churchill and inside the from cover was a quote.

It’s one of my favourite quotes because it highlights something that I consider to be the greatest strength and the greatest weakness of mankind.

I will endeavour to explain my thinking in this article, not just by showing how it relates to mankind, but also by looking at how this quote relates to the challenges surrounding strong leadership, and its implications on managing and leading people today.

But first here is the quote from Winston Churchill.

“Never give in. Never give in



Darren Matthews
The Startup

Following my curiosity — which is decision-making — and sharing what I learn along the way