Struggling for sales? Fix your “about me” page

Sean Meyer
The Startup
Published in
8 min readFeb 17, 2018


Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash

A few years ago I took the leap and finally started my freelance business.

Like most new freelancers, I thought the whole sales process was going to be easy as I had more than enough experience and had valuable skills that could help any business…

So I started off by designing an amazing website, learned some SEO, cranked out some amazing blogs…

And waited for the sales to come rolling in.

One week went by and I hadn’t heard anything…

Then a month went by and I still hadn’t heard anything…

Then finally, after not getting any clients for the first 3 months, I realized I had to figure something else out.

After a little bit of thought, I realized the secret had been right in front of my face this entire time…

Facebook Advertising!

I felt so stupid for not doing this before. Like all the gurus said, all I had to do was throw together a decent campaign, spend time optimizing my target audience, throw up some clickbait headline…

And voila! The visitors would visit my site, see how amazing I was, and practically pull out their credit cards to work with me.



Sean Meyer
The Startup

Freelance Copywriter. If you need my help with something, please DM on LinkedIn: