Success Comes from the Opportunities You Give Yourself

Stop shooting down your dreams before giving them a chance to succeed

Rachel Yerks
The Startup


Woman is painting in an office space, likely in her apartment. The lighting is dim and homely.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

People read articles from popular writers and think, “I could write that.” They might be right. Some writers write in a casual style and appear to be easily replicable. However, the actual process of writing an article, editing it, and clamoring for it to be submitted may slow you down.

The key difference between famous people in all walks of life and you, besides money, is that they put themselves out there. They aren’t someone online thinking they have the ability, but not the follow-through. If you ever want to be on the level of another famous writer, you need to follow through and get writing.

Here’s how to give yourself the opportunity to succeed at what you want to accomplish in three, not-so-easy steps. Remember: don’t shoot down your dreams before they begin.

#1. If you want an opportunity, ask for it

In late November, I was searching for work after a particularly disastrous, temporary pandemic work position. I wrote in my free time as an escape. Other writers I knew were getting invited, via email, to a new website to write for that guaranteed monthly payment.

