Success in Short Sprints

How high achievers increase their productivity and generate time freedom.

Dianna Lesage
The Startup


Alex Pang is an expert in the emerging philosophic and scientific field of deliberate rest. Pang is passionate about transforming the way people think about recovery in their daily lives and helping individuals achieve real work-life balance by introducing them to the concept of deliberate rest. He is the best selling author of the book “Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less.”

I recently listened to a lecture at Google (as part of the Talks at Google series) where he explained the fundamental theories behind the concept of rest as it relates to enhanced productivity. Throughout the talk, Pang expertly illustrates practical examples of different ways to implement rest into your daily life to heighten your creativity and satisfaction.

Here are three key insights from his talk:

1. Very successful people have serious hobbies

According to Bertie Forbes, the business journalist disruptor and founder of Forbes Magazine, “how we spend our non-working…



Dianna Lesage
The Startup

Venture Studio expert. Creator capitalist. Lover of innovation.