Successful Strategies to Improve Your Companies Reputation

In the competitive business landscape of our world, where everyone can broadcast their negative opinions, the pressure is higher than ever to maintain good relations with the consumers..

Aleksey (Aleks) Weyman
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMar 30, 2020


Originally published on by Emma Sumner

A business that works on their reputation is sure to reap the rewards. On average, a company’s reputation carries 25% of its market value, according to research by the World Economic Forum. A good business will use its reputation to its advantage. No matter what kind of business you are running, there’s plenty you can do to improve your company’s reputation.

Define Your Brand

If you are running a small business, you’re probably mostly focused on delivering great products and services. It’s easy to forget about the intangible aspects of your business. But, if you want to improve your company’s reputation, you need to begin with its foundations.



Aleksey (Aleks) Weyman
The Startup

Chief yearner 🙇🏼 Writer and explorer of many topics including tech, lifestyle, self improvement and more.