Supercharge your recruiting by starting an open source program

Why open sourcing your software will make hiring developers easier

The Startup


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Hiring developers is hard

If you are working today as a developer and have a Linkedin account, you see it every day. Messages from recruiters. Promising you higher pay, more independence, and better working conditions. Some even recognize the difference between Java and JavaScript. Like real estate, it’s a sellers market out there. If you’re like me, you write off all of these messages as spam.

Companies have a hard time hiring developers. They spend lots of money trying to attract them. One startup, honeypot promises to make it easier by matching developers with companies who need them. They charge a 15% commission per hire (of the employee’s yearly gross salary) for this service. For a developer earning 80,000€ a year, that comes out to 12,000€. Sounds expensive right? Well, lots of companies are willing to pay. Honeypot was recently acquired for €57 million by XING, a German Linkedin competitor. offers a similar service to honeypot, and they have raised €11.1 million. You might ask yourself, why are these companies so successful? Well, the answer to that question is simple. Traditional recruiting techniques just aren’t…

