SwiftUI Animations — Build a Loading Spinner in Just 5 Steps

Learn in an easy way how to build a cool animation using SwiftUI

Finsi Ennes
The Startup


Since SwiftUI appeared, the way of writing UI code has changed. It provides us a lot of features to develop our creativity. One of these features is related to animating state transitions.

This article guides you through building a custom loading spinner. This is based on this design and result will be the following:

Moreover you can find all implementation details on my project repository:

Let’s start coding!

1. Build it

For this animation we are going to use theCircle structure. As you will see, doing little changes on this will get us the spinner appearance that we want.



Finsi Ennes
The Startup

iOS Developer. Passionate about coding and UX design. For more content, you can follow me on Instagram @finsi.code