Take your healing business to a new level.

Stacy Vajta
4 min readJul 7, 2020


Put down the strategies. Instead, figure out what matters, personally.

Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash

The shift from talking about your healing business as a powerful modality to sharing a personal message about matters most to you is the best way to grow your business.

Your business will change and so will you.

I don’t hear people talking about “up-leveling” that much these days. But you claiming what matters about what you do is how your business can become a gift to level up — personally, spiritually, energetically… all of it.

Do that, and your business will follow.

I certainly think about making money with my business because that’s real. But money is not the driving factor in deciding what I do. I tend to think more about what I can create that lets me express what feels important; how I can stand strong in what I feel compelled to do.

Every action I take in my business which allows me to embolden my truth becomes my best business decision. When I look at what I do in my business as a way to grow and step into my voice and power, everything else falls into place.

This wasn’t always the case. It wasn’t something I was taught in any of the coaching I received in times of struggle. It started when I finally stopped thinking about my business as a series of systems to set up.

Like most solopreneurs, I was taught to (quickly) get a program laid out, create the marketing funnels, and tackle the launch. I was doing all that, yet I wasn’t having a whole lot of success. It all felt wrong to me.

So I tossed out much of what I had learned and instead looked at my business like a garden. And I started with the soil. What was what I planted rooting into?

I needed to know what was at the very core of what fed my business.

Understanding what I cared about and what compelled my work took time. I had to keep drilling down beyond the 30,000-foot level. I needed to get beyond saying the same things I heard other people say. I had to get below the ideas that felt vague and “market-ey.”

I was surprised by how much resistance there was to saying what felt personal and specific about what I knew my work to be about, the ideas it held. Getting to my truth became the work. It became my personal work and the work I had to do in my business before anything else.

What I learned was, until I could stand in my power and understand myself, there was no way I could know what I must create that would then put me, my energy, my ideas, and my service out into the world in a way that thrived.

That line of thinking and how I approached my work changed me. It changed my business for the better.

The best way I can explain it was I started to take up more space and because I was bigger, the energetic response to what I was doing was bigger too. My business went from a widget to a flow of energy that was all about me expressing who I was and what mattered; what set my soul into its evolution.

Why this matters.

Covid-19 has thrown a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs into a spin, especially those whose business focused on a hands-on modality. Your business may have come to a screeching halt.

The quiet time we’ve been in has sparked a lot of inner reflection about work and what matters. What was does not have to be what you go back to.

I think there is something bigger waiting for you. And I think it begins with you understanding what of you compels and defines your work. Do that and you’ll then know what you can create that will sustain both you and your business these days.

I hate it when coaches say, “Don’t play small.” But I do think that now is a good time to shift into a bigger energy around your business. And that begins with knowing what matters, owning what you care about, and speaking to that.

What if you focused on what the core message of your work is; what the message of your life is? What if you shifted away from your business as a thing you do, to a way of expressing what feels most true to you?

What if you claimed what mattered in your life and expressed that through everything you did in your business?

How might the universe show up for you when you stepped into that line of work?


If this speaks to you, follow me on Instagram. I share my thoughts and what inspires me in my work and life there every day.



Stacy Vajta

www.StacyVajta.com ~ Helping women grow, as they grow older. ✨ Embrace your power, creativity & a spirited third act. Visit my website for free ebooks!